amazonite pierced earrings set in sterling silver.
amazonite pierced earrings set in sterling silver.
amazonite pierced earrings set in sterling silver.
amazonite pierced earrings set in sterling silver.



Amazonite pierced earrings set in Sterling Silver. Note backlight changes the color of the earrings. Earrings will be darker looking when not backlit with bright light

Size approx. 1 1/4” from Top of hook x 3/4”

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Amazonite is a blue green feldspar variant. It is said to be named after the Amazon River, though currently no Amazonite is found there. Amazonite gemstone benefits are centered on calming and soothing the senses. Giving way to truth, sincerity and open communication.

Thanks to a magical combination of lead and water within its feldspar structure, the Amazonite crystal and its dazzling emerald hue and mottled light-green specs echo the color of the Amazon River and its calming and soothing energies. Hold tight to the Amazonite crystal properties during times of stress and call on its ultra chill vibes for a much-needed float down your inner river of tranquility. The serene energy of this stone makes Amazonite a powerful heart chakra stone, helping to release toxic emotions and other unwanted energy from your heart space.

In addition to its “go-with-the-flow” energy and connection to the heart chakra, the Amazonite crystal healing properties are also associated with the throat chakra, the center of communication and expression. By balancing and clearing this energy center, Amazonite can also be used as a powerful throat chakra stone stone to support communication.  

DISCLAIMER - I can’t advise, diagnose, prescribe or recommend any stone has any medical proven effects.